Friday, October 10, 2008


Protect the sanctity of marriage and the freedom of religion by voting YES on prop 8 this election!! I feel very strongly about this. We need to tell the people that we know, our neighbors, our teachers, our co-worker, family, and friends!!! Let's have OUR voices heard, not just the voice of the minority. THANK YOU!!!!!

o.. p.s. Kelly and I are having another baby!!!! WOOHOO... (kinda ;)) due around June 8, 2009!


wendilicious said...

congratulations my sweet! Make another cutie.

Nikki said...

Hey!!!! Prop 8 passed!

sarawhat said...

At first, I thought you and your SISTER Kelly were both having another baby. Then my mind started working. Congrats you guys!

Kristine Van Buskirk said...

Congratulations! How's everything going? Are you sick? Yuck! I hope all is well. Give us an update soon!

Rebecca said...

hey.... we would LOVE to see some new pics. :) I bet maddie is getting really big. and i havent seen her in FOREVER!

wendilicious said...

i love you Becca!!!!!!!! you are the best!!!!